Wednesday, December 9, 2009



I have three blogs, none if which is updated regularly. I feel like a sleaze.
Anyway, another virtual non paying job has been assigned to me yesterday to which I am quite proud of because at least now I can say that my hard work has been paid off at least. I am going to spearhead the CT for a funky and kind designer. Think I can do the job? I am hoping with all of my fingers crossed. See, I have lost my scrapping spunk when my hard drive died and I am terribly sorry to the teams I am in. I am currently collecting kits and making new memories with my camera just so I can comply with my team requirements. I will get my mojo back after our Parents Day tomorrow and Christmas Party the day after that. It's a hectic week but I am glad we're heading near for the Christmas break.

I also have lost my voice. 'Kay, not totally, I am about to lose it. I think I am going to have goiter or laryngitis from all that shouting in class whether I am teaching or not. But still, I loooooove my job and the kids of course. I won't trade it for anything as long as the pay's good. *teehee* I am also excited for the kids' party because I love throwing parties for children as they are very gracious guests. Seeing them smile with joy will surely make everything worthwhile.

Let me show my favorite layout to date.
I have lost the original (bigger) file for this one (and every single layout I have made) without having it printed and that makes me feel a bummer. One day when I am not lazy enough, I will then go print those that I have uploaded to the galleries, I'll make a way. Click on the image for full credits.

Lastly, I am going to have THIS HOODIE soon! My Scottish friend Gavin bought it for me as a Christmas cum birthday cum New Year's gift for me. I am waiting for my hoodie to arrive and I am sooooo thrilled! I think I have seen a dog tag somewhere which is Team Jacob themed but I cannot find it anymore - and I want that too. Just in case you, Gavin, are reading this, make this on your list too! Hahaha! So that's all for now. I miss you ladies who are in my team. I know I have been passive for almost a month. Love you all, and to my readers too. :)



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