Monday, September 21, 2009

Upcoming Contest

Hello! How's your week so far? I feel like it's Monday today because yesterday was a national holiday in the Philippines as a way to celebrate the end of Ramadan of our Muslim brothers and sisters. And since my cousins were here, I invited them to eat at a local barbecue joint and then went out for fruit shakes afterward. We had a blast, I mean our tummies had a blast.

So anyway, I noticed a few days ago that I have coupons piling up so I decided to give two of those as my way of sharing my blessings to others. Pretty neat huh? However, I haven't thought of what kind of contest I am going to host but it's definitely going to have something to do with scrapping. So I don't have anything to offer for now but check back later and then I may have something up brewing in my brain. ;)



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