Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Repost: Helping those in Need

This is just a glimpse of what Ondoy (Ketsana) did to many of my countrymen. A lot have lost their homes while more than 200 have lost their lives. I was looking at my friends' photos of the flood and I was greatly heartbroken. I called up a friend of mine to ask if they were affected by the flood and he said that they are soon going to lose everything. He tied his car to a tree so that the water won't take it away but he said he's grateful that they are all alive. However, my good friend Willa's family literally lost everything and it's breaking my heart when I read her blog post so I have decided to do my part as a friend and a Filipino and ask for your help as well. You can read Willa's plea here. I am knocking on your loving hearts to help Willa's family in this harrowing phase in their lives. If you could spare a penny for her family please do. And if you can's, at least repost this on your blog linking to her post. Thank you very much.


Vicki October 2, 2009 at 6:21 AM  

Oh Mars - it's such a terrible disaster. I hope your friends and family will be ok. Sending lots of love xx


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