Sunday, October 4, 2009

Things I'm Thankful of..

My countrymen are a only few steps away to start the healing process from their bitter experience with the typhoon Ondoy. Though most of us are scarred by this event, life goes on and what's good with Filipinos is that we still find a hundred and one ways to laugh or smile amidst any tragedy. I would also like to thank those who have helped Willa's family by sharing their thoughts, prayers, and money with them. I've known Willa for almost a decade now and we haven't even met in person but even though the relationship we had was just like that, she's like a family to me. So thank you very much to all my scrappy friends from different stores and forum for everything.

So as I have said, life goes on and I would like to share with all of you this fabulous freebie from Pom, my co site CT from Digital Scrap Cafe. This mosaic strip layer is to die for and we're lucky that she shared this with us! Click on the image to go directly to Pom's blog and get it.

Moving on, I am so bragging this personal blinkie that Nancy, my co-CT from Scrap That Idea, made for me. Here it is.Isn't it lovely? Nancy's making all of us our blinkies for free and she doesn't even know that she's good at it! Also, Nancy's hosting a contest at STI's Blog so go ahead and check on it, you might win a $5 coupon plus a special prize too. So that's all for now, I will be back in a while to announce some new releases from the CTs I'm in. Thank God it's Sunday!



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