Monday, September 21, 2009

Scrap That Idea

A few months ago, when I was chatting with my scrappy cousin Suzanne, I told her that I got accepted in my first CT application for Sir Scrapalot and that I have a new designer idol which is Mel Hains. So I was yakking about stalking her and her freebies and then she advised me to practice and practice and practice on scrapping so that when Mel decides to have a CT call again, I will be able to apply and be accepted.

So anyway, that was a few months ago. I am now creating layouts, and well, hybrids for three designers whom I really adore and love and I have also said that I am one of the site CTs for Digital Scrap Cafe. Last month, during my stalking hour with Mel, I have read about a Site CT Call for Scrap That Idea and I have thought hard whether I can manage to apply and get involved in another team. I have thought for a week (no exaggeration really) and decided to have it a go since I'm only taking my chances. Well well, guess what? I got accepted! Woot!

With this current development in my scrapping stint, I am beginning to think of it as my real job than teaching. *lol* I may not be that active from the other forums but I will be visiting from time to time, you know I'll be busy. ;) And you guys may want to check out Scrap That Idea, the store isn't new btw, and they have awesome stuffs to sell for you there. Not to mention that the products there are very affordable.

So there goes my Monday for now. I still haven't had enough sleep from the party we went to last night which I will be posting photos and some stories when I get sober.



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