Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where Was I?

Aloha! Look! Someone's slacking with her blog posts that she almost leave August without a single entry.

I mentioned about doing hybrid on my last post and since then I had been hoarding for hybrid freebies in various digiscrap sites. I wasn't that successful with the hoarding thing because there aren't many freebies out there. But anyway, I am going to start with card making because that's the easiest thing to do. By September, I will be sending cards to some friends and I will definitely show some photos about this hybrid project. Besides, I miss sending letters to friends and I meant the personalized ones not the email type, I know that you know what I mean.

Moving on, being in a Creative Team (CT) really broadened my horizons in the digiworld. A couple of years ago (okay make it two at the most, I'm only exaggerating) I was only hoarding freebies and did not care whether to give credits to the designers or not. You can see that on my previous layouts posted on my other blog. I only scrapped for my own pleasure not even considering the feelings of the people who designed the kits that I used. So anyway, not long ago, I learned how to give credits to the designers. It was kind of a struggle for me because I use different kits from different designers but I learned to manage everything by opening a notepad while creating a layout. And once I am satisfied with the positioning or choice of embellishment (or frame, paper, the works!), I click on the TOU and draft away the credit/s to mention. I am still learning about giving credits to the people though as I believe that everything is a whole lot of learning process.

Moving on again, I also seldom create a layout using other photos than that of my kids' but thanks to the challenges from MLAS, I was able to learn, or let's say given the inspiration, to create a layout using photos of other people. Here's one example.

You can click on the image to see the full credits of the layout. The people sleeping in the photo are my friends back in college and one is our college professor. We were attending a seminar when this photo was taken and as you can see, we're all sleeping. It was fun recalling this moment, and I really miss these guys. And just this afternoon, while I am planning to post this layout, I looked for the designer of the kit that I used because I had this kit for more or less 5 months already just to tell her that hey, I'm still using her little freebie. Only to find out that she has a store at MLAS! I was happy and dumbfounded at the same time, but it felt so good to know that we're at least rubbing elbows in the forum. Thanks so much Lisa Aldrich (Digital Designs by Lisa) for this really stunning 100% Boy mini kit freebie.

Okay so that's all for now. I will try to post more often.


Lisa September 1, 2009 at 11:05 PM  

Love the layout! How fun that you're over at MLAS and discovered that I'm on the design team!


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