Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ready to do Hybrid?

I have been ogling at some websites and forum these past few days and I absolutely love the hybrid stuffs that some fab people create. I wonder how they do it and I want to learn. Really learn. For starters, I would like to know what paper do they use and if they're using these digiscrap kits that I have, I would like to know how they do it. I do not know anything....yet. All I know that should I decide to pursue this curiosity of mine about hybrid stuffs, it would be pricey and will definitely hurt my virtual pocket. So anyway, I want to start making cards and when I have time to finally create one, I'd definitely show it off here!

I would like to send some links to various sales and freebies that I saw today but I am a procrastinator so I'd do it maybe tomorrow or the day after that. But I am happy to say that my application for Laura's Creative Team (for a month or two, I'm not really sure). Visit one of her shoppes and if you love her kits, go buy! The images are linked.


Ann July 29, 2009 at 4:27 AM  

I love all the hybrid projects out there. I haven't done any myself but enjoy looking at everyone elses creations. I know my sister does a lot of this and she uses digital scrap booking kits that she prints out herself.


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