Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Laurie's Scraps is in the Designer Spotlight at DSC

Two weeks ago, I got an email from Laurie and she's inviting me to be a member of her creative team. I was stoked because I never got an invitation before so this was a milestone in my scrapping career (if you can call that one). I pondered on whether to accept the invitation or not because I know I will be busy on the coming months as graduation day nears. But then, my love for Laurie's works prevailed so I closed my eyes into accepting to be one of her creative team members.

Anyhoo, Laurie's Scraps is in the Designer Spotlight at Digital Scrap Cafe and she is hosting a template challenge for you all to enjoy. And of course, where there's a challenge, there's a prize! Click on the template preview below to know more about the challenge and the prizes for it. This is going to be fun I'm sure!

The challenge is just the tip of the iceberg because Laurie's shop at Digital Scrap Cafe is on sale as well! Grab Laurie's Scraps at 50% off! Now isn't that a great deal for all of you?



  © Template Lar Doce Lar por Emporium Digital Graphics Jenny's Grandchild and Irene's Corner