Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Free Photobook Coupons

There's a photobook craze and I am one of them. I am hooked on making photobooks for my kids because I always believe that pictures are good investments. You can never turn back time for that one Kodak moment so as a mother, I'd better grab my camera in order to capture that one particular moment which may be a milestone in my child's life.

Well anyway, a photobook is a real book with its own images and texts can be created. The resulting book is printed on digital color printers and bound.

Professional printing and binding services offer free software for easy creation of photobooks with professional layouts and individual layout capabilities. Because of the integrated design and order workflow, hardcover bound books with customized pictures and text can be produced very cost-effectively. (Thank you wiki!)

I have recently finished two photobook project. One which consists of my best (my blog, let me brag) digiscrap layouts and another one that's about my twins. So in order to be fair to all my three kids, I am making my first born his own 30 page photobook spread. I am still working on it and I will have to update my readers about it once I have finished the project.

Artscow has indeed helped me in terms of photo storage because they give out at least 50 5R prints for free which means, after I have printed all the pictures which piled up in my computer's memory, I could erase them (of course do some back up as well, just in case) and give my hard drive a breathing space.

Before anything else, here are samples of 5r prints from Artscow. Sorry about the pictures though because I used the webcam for a quick snapshot. Haha. But the prints are great, I have to say. And they're for free!

So back to photobooks. You can avail of a photobook for $11.99 with free shipping and then you can get another one for free after your first purchase. All you have to do is type these coupons for your discounted photobook.



Admin April 10, 2009 at 8:54 PM  

Pst. When will these expire? Eto ba yung 30 pages? I need one eh. Thanks in advance! Happy Easter bukas!


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